FoamCannon (e. kvoðubyssa)
Lykilatriði í bílaumhirðu! Áður en snerta skal bílinn með þvottahanska er lykilatriði að vera búinn að fjarlægja mestalla drullu af áður, til að ekkert sér á milli sem getur rispað lakkið. Því er best að kvoða yfir allan bílinn sápu, leyfa sápunni að vinna, smúla af, FARA SVO að snerta á bílnum. Þetta er mikið öryggisatriði og er gert af fagmönnum þegar þeir vinna með bílana.
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The Professional Snow Foam Lance is an essential tool for any car care enthusiast. The Professional Snow Foam Lance can be used with any soap on the market.
The nozzle on the snow foam lance can be adjusted to deliver varying patterns of foam. The valve on the top of the lance regulates the dilution rate so you can alter the snow foam concentration.
We recommend using CarPro Reset or other superior high foaming soap. Used with Snow Foam, it is possible to produce a very thick layer of foam which clings to the surface of the vehicle to remove dirt, grit, grime and mud away from all surfaces. By encapsulating and removing much of the dirt and grit prior to shampooing, there is much less chance of creating swirl marks and scratches with your wash mitt.
Key Features:
- Max Pressure: 200 bar
- Max Temp: 60°C
- 1 litre bottle
- Heavy Duty Quality Design
- Chemical Resistant fittings
- Adjustable Spray Nozzle to alter foam pattern
- Dial for adjustable dilution